Swan Global Investments is a U.S. onshore asset manager, leading the industry in hedged equity and options-based strategies since 1997.


Our flagship hedged equity approach is a daily liquid strategy that employs a non-complex options strategy to remain ‘Always Invested, Always Hedged‘ in various equity asset classes.

About Swan’s Philosophy & Approach  – Distinctly Suited for Institutional Investors

Everything we do, from our investment philosophy to our process and investment decisions, is to serve the best interests of long-term investors in a way that Wall Street hasn’t.


We believe Modern Portfolio Theory, or diversification by asset allocation, is limited and only part of the solution, and that stock selection or market timing is difficult to consistently execute over time to outperform the market. In addition, we believe the dynamics in the capital markets have been fundamentally redefined by sustained central bank activism, along with longer-term challenges created by fiscal policy, technological, and demographic trends.


Institutional investors are seeking options to tackle these challenges in the capital markets, such as rising interest rates and inflation, tightening domestic monetary policy, and mounting geopolitical risks.  As such, alternative investments and non-traditional strategies are increasingly in demand.


Our suite of globally diversified, hedged equity investment solutions are distinctly suited to help institutional investors address these challenges and meet their long-term needs and objectives.

Investing Redefined®

Randy Swan started Swan Global Investments in 1997 to offer investment management services that addressed the fundamental challenge to long-term investing: market risk. Early in his financial career, Randy saw that options provided a way to limit, or define, exposure to market risk.


His Defined Risk Strategy is an innovative hedged equity approach that redefines the risk/return profile of long-term equity investing and seeks enhanced long-term investment outcomes.


By redefining risk management, we are redefining investing in the modern and ever-changing investment landscape.


Define risk. Improve outcomes. That’s Investing Redefined®.

Always Invested, Always Hedged

By remaining Always invested, Always hedged’ our time-tested hedged equity approach seeks participation in upside moves in equity markets while mitigating losses in bear markets, attempting to smooth returns over full market cycles so investors remain invested and on track towards their goals.


Our investment management team, leaders in hedged equity and options strategies, are dedicated to helping investors grow and protect wealth.