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Okay, thanksOptions strategies offer investors different ways to adjust portfolio risk and return in their pursuit of long-term objectives.
Explore the performance of our full menu of institutional caliber options-based strategies available in various structures, like ETFs, mutual funds, and separate accounts.
Hedged Equity – Defined Risk Strategy
The Defined Risk Strategy (DRS) is our flagship options-based, hedged equity strategy that utilizes options to hedge risk, as well as, generate income.
Launched in 1997 to provide investors with a better way to invest over full-market cycles, the DRS seeks to generate consistent returns and mitigate risks to irreplaceable capital.
So how’d we do?
Source: Zephyr StyleADVISOR and Swan Global Investments. All data is based on the historical performance of the S&P Total Return Index and the Swan Defined Risk US Large Cap Composite, net of fees, since inception as of 3/31/2024. Prior performance is not a guarantee of future results.
By reducing volatility and avoiding major losses, our hedged equity approach has a dramatic impact on investor experiences through market cycles.
The graphs show an investment of $100,000 over fourteen successive, 10-year investment periods. The first period is 1/1998 to 12/2007; the last period is 1/2015 to 12/2024. Each period, except two, contains at least one bull market and one bear market.
Source: Swan Global Investments and Morningstar; the S&P 500 Index are unmanaged index, and cannot be invested into directly. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. DRS results are from the Swan Defined Risk US Large Cap Composite, net of fees, as of 12/31/2024. Structures mentioned may not be available within your Broker/Dealer.
Bear markets are unpredictable but inevitable.
Diversification alone didn’t work to protect most investors in 2008, or 2020. What are you doing differently now to protect your irreplaceable capital?
Our hedged equity approach has performed admirably in protecting investor capital during the last two bear markets. Ask your investment advisor about the DRS.
The success of our flagship Defined Risk Strategy prompted us to offer similar hedged equity strategies across multiple products and assets, providing our clients with additional opportunities to use this time-tested approach.
View the performance of our options-based strategies available in various structures, like ETFs, mutual funds, and separate accounts.
Hedged Equity Strategies
Derivative Income ETF
Learn more about the various options strategies we offer or contact a Swan investment consultant for more information.
Hedged Equity ETFs
Hedged Equity Funds
Options-Based SMAs
Derivative Income ETFs