Swan Videos

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The Truth about Dividend Income

Looking for more upside from dividend or derivative income strategies? See how an active approach combining dividend-paying stocks with an active options overlay may deliver attractive income and boost total return!

What is Hedged Equity?

Understand hedged equity and how can it help address the two primary concerns investors have:  fear of suffering large losses, and the need to not outlive their money.

Popular Videos

The Pain Index - Redefining Risk Management

While the industry tends to measure investment risk using standard deviation, investors think of risk in terms of loss, or pain. See how the Pain Index may serve as a better measure of risk and help investors and advisors align their perspectives.

Investing Redefined®

The investing world has been redefined, with record debt levels, elevated and sticky inflation, and rising interest rates.  This forces investors to redefine how they allocate their portfolios to achieve goals and manage risk. See how our distinct hedged equity approach seeks to define risk, to improve outcomes- Investing Redefined®.

Post COVID-19: Drivers of Volatility and Greatest Risks

Discover the drivers of volatility and the greatest risks in the post-COVID environment and why the Defined Risk Strategy (DRS) offers an approach that may be especially pertinent for investors in times of market uncertainty.

Fed Intervention and Impact on the Economy

The US economy, and much of the developed world as well, is being driven by central bank intervention and stimulus. Randy Swan, founder and lead PM of Swan Global Investments, outlines the implications for capital markets and risks investors face going forward.

Why Invest in the Defined Risk Strategy

Discover why the Defined Risk Strategy (DRS) is a distinct hedged equity approach that may be especially pertinent for investors in times of heightened volatility and market uncertainty.

Post COVID-19: The Redefined Investing Landscape

Hear how investors can tackle the challenges today and beyond caused by the redefined investing landscape they now face, from Randy Swan, Founder and Lead Portfolio Manager of Swan Global Investments.

Top Concerns for Advisor & Investors

Jamie Atkinson, Head of Distribution and Marc Odo, CFA®, CAIA®, CIPM®, CFP®, Client Portfolio Manager of Swan Global Investments, identify and discuss solutions for the top concerns of both advisors and investors in a low-yield world.

Why Investors Should Care About Global Debt - Intro

Ian Bremmer, President and Founder of Eurasia Group and Marc Odo, Client Portfolio Manager of Swan Global Investments, discuss the looming challenges on the horizon for investors brought about by ever-rising global debt.

Compare Rolling Returns vs Trailing Returns

See why focusing on rolling returns vs trialing returns may help long-term investors better forecast how a strategy may perform in the future and help avoid chasing returns or timing mistakes.

What Makes the DRS Different?

Learn what makes the Defined Risk Strategy different from other options-based strategies, from the strategy’s portfolio construction to the distinct Always Invested, Always Hedged approach.

Investing Redefined®

The investing landscape has been redefined by persistent central bank intervention, technological and demographic shifts, and a global pandemic. See how investors can redefined how they invest in this redefined world.

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