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Okay, thanksSource: Zephyr StyleADVISOR and Swan Global Investments. All data based on historical performance of the S&P Total Return Index and the Swan DRS Select Composite. Prior performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Source: Zephyr StyleADVISOR and Swan Global Investments. Calculations based on monthly withdrawals of $5,000 per month. * All data based on historic performance of the Swan DRS Select Composite.
Learn more about the various types of investment structures we make available and be sure to consult with your investment advisor about the suitability of these different vehicles.
Additional Disclosures: Swan Global Investments, LLC (“Swan”) is an independent Investment Advisory company headquartered in Durango, CO. Swan is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Note that being an SEC registered Investment Adviser does not denote any special qualification or training. Swan offers and manages The Defined Risk Strategy (“DRS”) for its clients including individuals, institutions and other investment advisor firms. Swan Global Investments has affiliated advisers including Swan Global Management, LLC, Swan Capital Management, LLC, and Swan Wealth Advisors, LLC. There are nine DRS Composites offered: 1) The DRS Select Composite which includes non-qualified accounts. 2) The DRS IRA Composite which includes qualified accounts. 3) The DRS Composite which combines the DRS Select and DRS IRA Composites. 4) The DRS Institutional Composite which includes high net-worth, non-qualified accounts that utilize cash-settled, index-based options held at custodians that allow participation in Clearing Member Trade Agreement (CMTA) trades. 5) The Defined Risk Fund Composite which includes mutual fund accounts invested in the S&P 500 equities. 6) The DRS Emerging Markets Composite which includes mutual fund accounts invested in emerging markets equities; 7) The DRS Foreign Developed Markets Composite which includes all research and development account(s), and mutual fund accounts invested in foreign developed markets equities; 8) The DRS U.S. Small Cap Composite which includes all research and development account(s), and mutual fund accounts invested in U.S. small cap equities; 9) The DRS Growth Composite which includes all research and development account(s), and mutual fund accounts invested in the S&P 500 equities. Additional information regarding Swan’s policies and procedures for calculating and reporting performance returns is available upon request.