Authors: David Lovell


Swan DRS Growth SMA 1-Page Brochure

1-Page Brochure for the Defined Risk Strategy US Large Cap Growth Composite. Review the process, performance and risk/return metrics of...


2020 Year in Review & Lessons Learned

While 2020 is in the rearview mirror, many of its challenges remain: a disconnect between Main Street & Wall Street,...


Standing Out in a Sea of Sameness

How are you making it easier for prospective clients to choose you over your competitors? Learn ways to clarify your...


Taking the Long View

The risk to both retail and professional investors is tinkering and tweaking portfolios in response to short-term “noise” and recent...


The Math Behind Investment Success

Investor eBook: Four math principles for successful goals-based investing. Markets may be driven by fear and greed, but your results...


Thinking Outside the Mailbox with Systematic Withdrawals

In today’s low-yield world, bonds provide little or no real return, creating significant pressure on the rest of the portfolio...


Putting Brexit in Perspective

Much of the volatility that permeated across markets in 2016 when Brexit was introduced ultimately proved fleeting. In many respects,...


Examining the State of the Union

Although President Trump confidently highlighted the health of the American economy during this week’s State of the Union address, there...


Swan Company Brochure - Defined Risk Strategy

Swan Global Investments - Company brochure providing an overview of our unique, proven goals-based philosophy and strategy.


Keep Calm and Hedge

What comes to mind when you hear the word “hedge”? Hedge funds? Scandals? High risk? Leverage? Fraud? Hedging gets a...