Asset class: Multi-Asset


The Elephant in the Room: Systematic Risk

Virtually every portfolio manager claims to invest in a risk-controlled manner. However, investors looking at their monthly statements during the...


Volatility Drag

If bear markets can be described as a rare but catastrophic flood for a portfolio, then everyday volatility drag can...


The Retirement Conundrum: Untying the Gordian Knot

Examine how the individual components of the typical 60/40 portfolio and target date funds are ill-positioned to get investors 'to...


Diversifying with the Defined Risk Strategy

By now the arguments for and against picking stocks and indexing are well documented. At Swan Global Investments, our take...


DRS vs. Tactical Asset Allocation -Strategy Comparison Series

Examine the differences between the goals, track records and drivers of success between the Swan DRS and tactical asset allocation...


Applying the Power of Compound Growth

Albert Einstein supposedly once said that the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. Naturally investors seek compound...


Math Matters: How Math Impacts Results

Investors often are unaware of the math that really drives investment results. This paper dives into the 4 main mathematical...


The Pain Ratio — A Better Risk/Return Measure

The Pain Ratio — A Better Risk/Return Measure Download PDF Pain Ratio vs. Standard Deviation In a previous post, we...


Greek Lessons: Delta Explained

The textbook definition is this: “Delta is the ratio comparing the change in the price of the underlying asset to...


Greek Lessons: Vega Explained

The volatility of an option’s underlying asset is one of the major factors in determining the value of that option....